Public (Statutory) Health Insurance

There are approximately 100 providers of Public Insurance in Germany.

All provide similar benefits and at similar rates - see rates below. The choice of which one to take really depends on factors such as administrative effficiency and available extras.

Public Insurance is generally only available for employed persons earning a salary within certain fixed limits. Public Insurance is sometimes available to Self-employed (Freelance) on a voluntary (Freiwillige) basis BUT only to persons who are moving directly from an employed position to self-employed (freelance) status, or immediately and directly from another EU Public Insurance - such as the UK NHS.

Spectrum can provide advice and information and arrange public insurance where appropriate. The premiums are calculated purely on salary and are therefore the same wherever the insurance is arranged. Spectrum do not levy any additional fees or charges.

Rates for 2025

Salary level for eligibility for public Insurance: From € 556 to € 6.150,00 per month.

Below € 556 per month: German or International Private Insurance may be taken.

Above € 6.150,00 per month: German Private Insurance or Voluntary Public Insurance, if eligible, may be taken. There may be exceptions to the rules above depending on circumstances and previous Health Insurance history.

Please contact us for individual advice.